Tag Archives: weekly photo challenge

weekly photo challenge: cover art


The Scabiosa  has beautiful flowers that morph into sculptural seed heads, at this time of year. They seemed a perfect match for the “Ma Fleur” album from Cinematic Orchestra.

This post is my contribution to the Cover Art prompt as part of the weekly photo challenge at WordPress.

weekly photo challenge: on the move

bee and pollen

bee and pollen

The garden is alive with bees at the moment and dandelions! We have given up trying to deadhead the dandelions as they are all over the garden and the surrounding verges so are totally out of control

The garden has many varieties of honey bees, bumble bees, carpenter bees and many others I can’t identify (including this fellow).

They are all definitely on the move though this one seems so weighed down with pollen that he will be staggering back to the hive and not flying.


Weekly photo challenge: reflections


P1010874 - cormatin chateau

Chateau de Cormatin

We visited the Chateau de Cormatin last July while on holiday in Burgundy. It was a hot and sultry day ideal for showing off the reflections in the Lac du Miroir.

First of all is the pleasure of discovery here and this pleasure is infinite. You can vary the views by doing a turn round the chateau, walk the promenades to look down on the large central parterre, wander over the grassy paths and identify plants and shrubs that parade for us, follow the shimmering reflections the length of the quiet mirrors of water, discover the old oaks, the avenue of lime trees, the outdoor theatre, cast an admiring eye over the play of colors, which enliven the vegetable garden … Michel Baridon.

weekly photo challenge: abandoned via La Petite Maison Bijoux

This house is one of three in a tiny hamlet just up the hill from us. One is inhabited all year round, one is derelict, and this one is a maison secondaire. It gets used three or four times a year, during the school holidays.

via weekly photo challenge: abandoned.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Treasure

Forsythia: golden treasure

Forsythia: golden treasure

Walking out from our local village there is an old mill we often pass. On Sunday we noticed that Forsythia was in bloom around one of the buildings, giving the old mill a golden glow. The mill is a fabulous subject with a myriad features and textures, some of which I have tried to capture in the photos below.

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